YO! This is a great interview with Bobby Baum of Baum Therapy out of Reno. In my travels as I share my message of health, NOW from an off grid,…
What a great discussion! Dr. Bennet is founder the Exit Group. EXIT is dedicated to ending reliance on corporate employment, exiting the main stream narrative, being more self reliant, and helping…
Listen in to this chat inspired by recent client conversations and encounters! We talk all about going off-plan and how to navigate social situations that can sometime knock us out…
In this week’s “Week in Review” we discuss all things coffee creamers, meal prep, shopping, upcoming events and more! Listen in for some quick and awesome info on the past…
everything affects everything choosing focus, frequency, & intensity in the past, when it came to exercise, for years, I believed the more the better. to get better at everything I…