having an intention to experience LIFE AS IS can help us live a better, healthier life, and be more present with everything that life has to offer. having an intention to experience LIFE AS IS means trying to do better than we are now.
- being present.
- eating 100% fresh real food.
- minimal distractions.
- minimal numbing out.
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acknowledge what it might look like if we were to experience life as is. . .
getting up without the need for any stimulants, caffeine, or sugar.
being completely present as much as possible:
- with work.
- with conversations.
- with daily activities.
- with space.
food is 100% fresh real food, home prepared:
- animal meats.
- traditional fats.
- nutrient- dense vegetables.
- safe starches.
- fruits.
minimal distractions from:
- social media.
- television.
minimal numbing out:
- alcohol.
- cannabis.
- sweets.
- “approved” options that aren’t serving us.
meet it where you can. make 1 change in a good direction :)