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implementing real food

in this episode, we discuss how to implement real food including topics such as:

  • balance and how to incorporate nutrient balance over the long-term.
  • structuring daily eating for maximum energy, fat loss, and digestive strength.
  • nurturing our concept of self-sufficiency, metabolic flexibility, and fat burning.


scroll down for recommended reading and resources associated with this episode.

is there anything we need to consider before STARTING with real food?

understand, what we are doing, the basic protocols we learn together are the foundations that we will use for a lifetime.

  • real food is nutrient density at its best.  there’s no point in obsessing over supplements when you don’t have the basics of real food down.
  • real food replenishes years of toxicity and nutrient deficiencies.  if you skip eating real food because you think vegan is “cleaner,” or if you fast without setting up the right machinery, you miss the opportunity to replenish nutrients that your body so badly needs.
  • we want to slowly build up the bodies resilience to do the things we want to do later such as low-carb, cleanse, and strategic fasting.
  • real food is detoxifying in and of itself.    real food is void of the toxins, has all the right things to nourish our bodies, and all the nutrients to facilitate the detox pathways.  there’s no need to go vegan to clean things up.  eating real food is already cleaning things up.
  • there is plenty of time to experiment with low-carb, cleans, and fasting.  and that’s exactly what we facilitate.


when starting out, it’s all about:

  • eating 100% real food.
  • eating the right things made with the right ingredients (turning to the correct alternatives).
  • eating the right things at the right time of day.


when it comes to balance:

  • we want a broad spectrum of nutrients over the long-term.  it doesn’t have to happen every day, it just needs to happen most days.
  • when constructing your meals, try to use the visual we offer in our definition of real food podcast and post.
  • when constructing most meals, consider having an equal amount of plant matter to meat (visually).


when it comes to structuring your daily eating:

  1. no dominant carbohydrates for your first meal = no safe starches, fruits, or sugars.
  2. no snacking in between your main meals.
  3. have a little bit of carbohydrates from safe starches and fruits in the evening.

most of our people do well on 2 or 3 meals per day.

Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach