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how to know if you’re doing ok with real food?

and what to expect when you do it right ;)

in this post and podcast we discuss what transitional changes to expect as you embark on your real food journey and make changes to your diet.  we also discuss the short-term and long-term beneficial changes to look for.

we also discuss how to know if you’re doing ok!  many of us are very hard on ourselves and question whether we are doing ok or not.  IT’S NORMAL.  in this post we give you some guidelines to understand where you are on your journey, and what things you can do to optimize your nutrition.

scroll down for recommended reading and resources associated with this episode.


what to expect when changing your nutrition and eating real food.

we want a balance between striving for being 100% optimal while being easy on ourselves when we are not. remember, there is only feedback, never failure. we must learn from our suboptimal moments, and then we must begin again, every time and every day.

how do you know if you’re doing ok when it comes to nutrition? here is a spectrum to consider if you’re in the SHT world ;) the most important thing for health is to be in the realm, 100% within the guidelines of SHT at all times!

first let’s talk about the changes we are likely to experience:


short-term “adjustments” that transmute into beneficial changes:

  • low energy
  • digestive issues
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • mood

you have to be patient, and give it time. this is why education and experience is so important.  when you understand what you’re doing, and why, you can have the persistence to keep doing what you need to do till you experience the changes you want to see.   and what are those changes?


short-term beneficial changes:

  • increased energy levels
  • more consistent energy levels
  • better looking and feeling skin
  • stronger and more consistent digestion
  • improve sleep quality and naturally wanting more duration
  • better mood / emotions / happiness


longer-term beneficial changes:

in addition to the short-term changes continuing, we start to see improvements:

  • body composition and fat loss
  • life feeling like it is on another level
  • improved physical and athletic performance
  • improved personal symptoms and conditions


eat real food and “SHT approved” items made with the right ingredients. 

in this realm, you’re eating real food and “SHT approved” items made with the right ingredients. this can include all chips, crackers, gluten-free pizzas, and approved desserts.  if you are in this realm, this is a big win, because you’re eating real food and items made with good ingredients.  celebrate!

while eating real food and items made with the right ingredients, here’s how to upgrade and optimize to make things a little better:

  • upgrade 1 – no dominant carbs in the morning.  start the day of with nutrient-dense meats, fats, and optional low-starch vegetables so that your body has nutrients to work with for the day and learns how to make its own energy.
  • upgrade 2 – nurture natural space in between meals with no snacking. aim for 3 meals per day with no snacking and gradually move towards 2 meals per day with no snacking.  remember, the space in between meals is when the body is self-sufficient and tapping into its own fat stores for fuel.
  • upgrade 3 – throw in some strategic fasting.  skip breakfast some days.  when this feels natural extend the fast to as late in the day as possible, experimenting with 1 meal per day at least 1 day per week.

if you’re at this level, with these upgrades, you’re doing great!  you’re eating real food, and you’re eating items made with the right ingredients!  you’re being low-carb most of the day and nurturing space in between meals.  now it’s time to move on to the next level. . .



 a commitment to eating 100% fresh real food most of the time.

in this realm, you’re eating real food with minimal to no “SHT approved” items.  all carbs come from safe starches and/or fruit, low-sugar dark chocolate, and a little approved sweeteners like honey.  things like raw honey and quality dark chocolate are still in the deal.  a drink a day is in the deal.  

while eating 100% fresh real food, here’s how to upgrade and optimize to make things a little better:

  • upgrade 1 – no dominant carbs in the morning.
  • upgrade 2 – measure out your carbs in the evening.  up to 3/4 cups of safe starches and up to 3/4 cups of fresh fruit per evening. 
  • upgrade 3 – nurture natural space in between meals with no snacking. aim for 3 meals per day with no snacking and gradually move towards 2 meals per day with no snacking.  remember, the space in between meals is when the body is self-sufficient and tapping into it’s own fat stores for fuel.
  • upgrade 4 – throw in some strategic fasting.  skip breakfast some days.  when this feels natural extend the fast to as late in the day as possible, experimenting with 1 meal per day at least 1 day per week.
  • upgrade 5 – home prepared is best.  get out of the habit and mindset of eating out.  make your lunch and bring it with you or skip it. fall in love with the process of a home cooked dinner by playing music, having some wine (if that’s your thing), and embrace the fact that you are nourishing your body with your own TLC.

if you are ANYWHERE in this entire spectrum, you’re doing great!  optimize with these upgrades!

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Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach